Features & Benefits
How it Works
Our 4 Steps Proven Process
Initial Consultation
During your free consultation, we will provide a detailed overview of our services, explain how they function, and discuss how we can assist you.
Comprehensive Credit File Assessment
Should you decide to proceed with our services, you'll be guided through a brief, 5-minute online agreement process. Your consultant will then retrieve your credit files from the three major credit reporting bodies, provide you with copies, and conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify any adverse information.
Investigation Process
We conduct an in-depth investigation process to determine whether there may have been any breaches of legislation when the negative listings were recorded on your credit file.
Outcome & Document Submission
Upon completion of our investigation process, we assess your situation against our minimum criteria to determine if you qualify for our services. Following approval, we proceed with submitting necessary documents to relevant companies, credit reporting agencies, ombudsmen, or courts as required, aiming to achieve a favorable outcome.